The content provides an overview of the value gained by those participating in a mentorship, whether as mentor or mentee. It describes the roles of those participating in a formal mentorship, as well as provides resource for learners interested in establishing a mentorship program.
After completing this course, learners will be able to better: • 1) Differentiate the mentor role from others such as teacher, preceptor, coach 2) Describe characteristics of successful mentors and mentees
3) Discuss the recommended sequence of a formal mentorship
4) Identify at least one area in which you could benefit from a mentor or benefit another person by serving as a mentor.
This program is designated for 0.8contact hours of NP CE credit by the Institute for NP Excellence. INPE is accredited by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners as an Approved Provider of NP continuing education (Provider 130325).). Course valid through 9/30/2020. Refer questions to [email protected]